Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter hope

One of my best friends was recently asked what Easter meant to her. She replied by simply saying "hope." This is what Easter means to me as well. This is what the Gospel means to me. Hope that we can repent and be forgiven of our mistakes. Hope that we will see our deceased loved ones again. Hope that goodness will ultimately triumph over evil. Hope that there is a plan for each of us, a great plan of happiness. Hope that we are never alone. Hope that family relationships can be eternal. Hope that we can live with God again someday.

Yesterday, the day before this beautiful Easter sabbath, I spent time with dear friends who recently had a baby girl. As I held their precious daughter who was just a little over a week old, I marveled at the miracle of life and all that new babies represent. She represents hope. Hope for new beginnings. Hope that she might live a life full of happiness. Hope that there is still a reason for progressing and moving forward. One cannot be near a child without feeling near to God, as if walking on sacred ground. I believe the same is true of all beginnings and especially of Spring. New flowers emerge with the hope that there will be sunshine and rain, and that they will blossom. Hope that says it will slowly become warmer and the earth will receive new life.

However, the ultimate hope surely does rest in the Lord Jesus Christ. Easter Sunday brings with it a special celebration of the resurrection and the glorious atonement that was accomplished for all. I'm grateful for the hope I have in my Savior. I'm grateful for the New Testament which preserves the record of that first Easter when Christ appeared to Mary. I know that life is worth living and there is joy to be found in living righteously. I hope that throughout my life, the word "hope" continues to take on new meaning and that I might always remember its source.

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