Thursday, February 4, 2010

Spring is coming! I can feel it!!

So, maybe I'm jumping the gun...I know it's only the fourth day of February...and it's still pretty chilly out, but it makes me so happy to feel the sunshine and see the snow melting! The snow can be pretty, but c'mon- I grew up in GA...February always meant soccer season, running around outside getting nice and muddy, and the beginning of Spring time.

Now, my roommate made fun of me earlier today when I said I'm ready for Spring to come. She pointed out the obvious: I better be, considering I'm getting married the first day of Spring! But, believe it or not, that's not the only reason. It really is my favorite season. The sunset begins to get later and later in the evening...tulips start to bloom...the weather gets warmer...I can run outside again (I hate running in the cold, on treadmills, indoor tracks, etc.)...time for general birthday...end of the school year...playing outside...and yes, I can't wait to get married :)

Please don't spoil my mood by reminding me that I am living in Utah and there's likely a few days of snow still left...or that I'm no longer in high school playing soccer...or that I still have a whole 44 days left (but who's counting) until March 20. Be happy with me, go outside, and enjoy the sunshine today! And cross your fingers that Spring comes sooner than later...Who cares what the groundhog says anyway, right?


  1. I walked outside to get the mail today and had the exact same thought! The sun is bright and warm today, and all I can think about is spring!

  2. I hear you. I love spring time. It really bites having to leave for work when the sun's not even up yet and getting home after it's gone down.
