Monday, March 9, 2009

Prophets and Apostles

It is so amazing to know that so many things found in the New Testament can be found today, if only you know where to look. I know that we have a prophet of God once again on the earth and that he is the Lord's mouthpiece. In my Living Prophets class we've started studying the biographies and recent conference addresses of the current First Presidency and Quorum of the 12 Apostles. I truly believe that the current 12 apostles have the same power and authority as did the apostles in the New Testament. It's a neat thing to read about ancient prophets and apostles in the New Testament, while also studying the living prophets and apostles on the earth today. As I learn more about them my love and appreciation for them grows. Of course, they are mortal men, with faults and weaknesses just like the rest of us, but I also know that they are men of God. I know that I can learn and draw closer to God from listening to their current day messages, as I can reading the scriptures. With General Conference approaching, I hope I can value the opportunity I have to listen to these leaders as I would if I could listen to Matthew or Peter. I know that part of valuing this opportunity is being prepared...being prepared to receive inspiration and answers, as well as being physically prepared to stay awake and pay attention! I'm so excited for this semi-annual feast upon things of the Spirit.

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