Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Peaceful moments

There are so many things on my mind tonight, I'm not sure where to begin.

Most importantly however, I want to bear testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have and the ways in which my life is blessed daily. I know that prayer works. I know God hears us and that we are known and loved. I know He answers our prayers, though not always how we expect. I know that there is a purpose to our lives. Life does not end with death, families truly can be forever, and that is how God intends it to be. I know that we can be an instrument in God's hands. I see the people who influence me every day, who teach me truths, lift me up, and answer my prayers. I know that God is working through them to bless my life. I pray that I am open to the opportunities I have to bless those around me and unknowingly answer their prayers.

I had a discussion with two of my roommates tonight, which helped me to come to some conclusions regarding a few things. It was one of those times when certain things I was told rang true in my heart. I love those special moments of peace when I hear or read something, and then that feeling comes that says "this is right." I hold on to those moments.

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