Monday, March 16, 2009


This past week was not what I expected. One of my best friends has struggled with getting sick for quite awhile, but last Tuesday he became more sick than ever before. I ended up spending over 5 hours in the hospital with him that night until I finally took him home around 2am. I spent the rest of my week doing my best to spend as much free time as I could over at his apartment, helping him with whatever he needed. I didn't get as much sleep as I might normally have hoped for and I certainly spent most of my time worried about him, taking little thought for what I needed. I didn't do this because he asked, but because I wanted was because of love.

I mention this for how it has helped me to grow closer to the Lord over the past several days. There is something very special about serving someone for no reason, but that you love them and want to make their life easier and happier. Christ's entire life was spent this way, in service. Though of course I can hardly compare the service I render to that of Christ's, I know that we become more like him as we practice his teachings. The interesting thing about taking time to serve someone else is suddenly I found other people serving me. It is such a beautiful chain reaction to see people taking care of people...on every end. I am certainly blessed to be surrounded by people so willing to serve and emulate Christ.

Tonight as I read in the Gospel of John, I was once again reminded of how Christ served and blessed those around him. I hope that I can always remember him and remember his example, that I might reach out to those I don't even know and continue to find ways to serve. I also must remember to be grateful to those who touch my life through service, each and every day.

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